Balloon Payments are a game-changing financing option that allows you to enjoy lower monthly payments, giving you the breathing room you need to thrive and grow.

For only $149 per week you could be driving a brand new ASX. Contact us today to discuss this great offer.
Does your monthly income fluctuate? It’s a struggle to balance your finance payments through the highs and lows, right? We can help. It’s called high-low financing.
There are a myriad of things to consider when purchasing a new vehicle. Lifestyle, utility, colour, style, efficiency, safety, price and the list goes on. But how often does one consider ‘total cost of ownership’? Total cost of ownership or TCO is the only way you can be sure you can actually afford that vehicle [...]
A question we all ask ourselves when buying a vehicle. The outlook for economic growth and business confidence this year looks promising, and many people and business owners are looking at updating their vehicle or fleet. Carol Barnett, Bay City Mitsubishi’s finance and lease specialist helps customers make better informed decisions. “Although paying cash eliminates [...]